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All I Want For Christmas, 2012 . . .

December 23, 2012

Dear Santa;

Since the Mayan calendar didn’t accurately predict the end of the world, I am elated, and relieved, to be celebrating another Christmas with my friends and family. As tradition dictates, I am submitting another wish list to you, Santa, in hopes you will recognize my sincere efforts at good behavior throughout the previous year.

First of all, thank you Santa, for leaving some of last year’s requests under my tree. Alternatives to local conservative talk radio was a great gift to me and conservatives all across the state. And, I appreciate that even though Chuck Gatschenberger filed his Article V legislation, it never saw the light of day in the Missouri legislature.

That being said, I have a few things, some left from last year and some new requests, that I would appreciate under the tree, this year.

Please send a vast and revamped cultural (Constitutional) view to legislators, locally, regionally and nationally. A new and revived commitment to state sovereignty thrown into that mix would also be a plus. If you could somehow remind the elected it is their duty to uphold, protect and defend the Constitution in current and proposed legislation, that would solve a lot of problems.

Again, Santa, legislators in our state have a very quixotic view of what, exactly, their job responsibilities are. They are still writing excessive and superfluous amounts of legislation, have no concept of limiting the size of government, and  are still using Yankee Doodle Legislation as personal campaign marketing instruments instead of working to support state and federal Constitutional principles. Please leave a drastic change in idealistic philosophy for legislators, or send new ones.

Speaking of reminding legislators about their Constitutional responsibilities, let’s revisit Judicial Reform from last year. This year, on a state and national level, we saw some egregious maneuvers from and related to the judiciary. In the upcoming year, we could really use some substantial accountability measures in appointing members to the bench. Last year’s measure, Amendment 3, fell far short of that. The Supreme Court also took an uprescidented action and flipped the argument presented by Democrats on the Affordable Care Act (It’s not a tax, it is a tax.) making it more convenient to achieve their desired outcome. On a state level, the House has the power and authority to impose control over the judicial branch. Santa, please leave Missourians a copy of the Missouri Constitution in their stockings. Highlight Article 7: Sections 1 and 2. Perhaps if the legislators know that the voters know who has the power to impeach an out of control judiciary, we may see some movement on this issue.

Please leave a one way ticket out of the United Nations under the tree this year. Send all the money the U.S. budgets to prop it up to pay down the national debt. Also, please leave a copy of Glenn Beck’s Agenda 21 in every legislators stocking. Threats of ratifying the UNCRPD, UNCRC and implementation of Agenda 21 are antithetical to Constitutional principles. So, maybe a healthy dose of common sense (or TeaParty style reality) to those in Washington, who think one world government is the way of the future, would help them see the light on this issue.

While we are talking personal freedom, let throw in another plea for educational freedom. Folks of Missouri neet to understand that the educational choice, peddled by the legislature, is nothing of the sort. Real educational freedom is free from Common Core Standards, Longitudinal Data Collection, and federal and state mandates. Homeschoolers have known this for a long time and have succeeded quite well in educating their children without all this heavy-handed oversight. So, Santa, instead of leaving something under the tree for this issue could you please take something away. Start with the Department of Education, on a state and national level. Thanks.

Please return prescription free pseudoephedrine and our Sheriff’s department to St. Charles County. Also, if you could park your sleigh on Steve Ehlmann and the entire St. Charles County Council, this year, the citizens of St. Charles County would appreciate how it would keep them from throwing our tax dollars at bureaucrats/public employees, 15% raises when unemployment is so high and taxes are on the upswing. If you can’t deliver on this one, would you please give the citizens the strength to vote them all out of office so we can put the right people in place ourselves? Again, some common sense is a re-occurring theme in my Christmas wish list.

We really need a new Speaker of the House, Santa. And I’m not just talking about in D.C. We need one in Jefferson City too. There must be something about the job that redirects loyalty from serving the people to serving the party. Perhaps its prolonged occupation in public service, but it just doesn’t seem to work out well for the folks.

Please leave a hearing aid in Tim Jones’ stocking. In addition to that, Santa, would you please leave some RTW legislation under his tree. Somehow, he hasn’t heard the folks as they have been telling him they want RTW in Missouri.  Some  nice voter ID legislation would benefit from a push from the Speaker too.

Well, that’s quite a bit to ask for, I know, Santa. I have left cookies and milk for you, in the kitchen, and carrots for the reindeer, on the patio.

Yours in conservatism,

Culture Vigilante

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